How to Lose Belly Fat Fast

How to lose Belly Fat - Fat around the abdomen, also called visceral fat, distended stomach, and so on, is a type of fat found deeper in the body than subcutaneous fat, which lies just under the skin.

Abdominal fat is dangerous because it collects around the organs in the abdomen.

Many people are diagnosed daily with high cholesterol, diabetes, heart, and so on. all this is related to belly fat.

So, here are some tips on how to Lose of belly fat.

Natural Ways to Lose Belly Fat

1. Eat Light

When our bodies are hungry for hours, blood sugar levels drop, thus encouraging us to eat more. So the key is never to let the body starve. Instead of 2 or 4 large meals, better choose 5 to 6 little meals every 3 hours.

By eating 5-6 small meals a day on a regular basis, can stop yourself from overeating. Plus, it can increase the body's metabolism, because the body needs energy to digest food, often eating means the body is constantly working.

2. You Become What You Eat!

Two words, balanced diet. Foods that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates, sugars and saturated fats are best for removing belly fat. Eggs, fish, lean meats, complex carbohydrates like vegetables, and a variety of natural fruits that are not sweet or canned are also good for removing belly fat.

These foods will also help in raising the thyroid hormone, which helps in burning fat. Be sure to avoid, refined carbohydrates that contain white sugar or white flour.

Include healthy fats such as fatty fish, seeds and nuts, olive oil, etc. Essential fatty acids are needed for the process of burning body fat, especially belly fat.

According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, a diet rich in wheat, in which calorie intake is controlled, helps research subjects to remove belly fat. Participants consume all grains together with three servings of low-fat milk, five servings of fruit and vegetables, and two servings of meat / fish / poultry. The explanation of this phenomenon is that the reduction of refined carbohydrates, and increased wheat causes changes in the glucose and insulin response, which consequently increases the mobility of fat deposits.

3. Drinking

If you want to lose belly fat, AVOID alcohol, especially beer. You need to drink plenty of water, especially during exercise, and throughout the day. Your body needs water to function optimally. When you are dehydrated, the organs in the body work harder to maintain water reserves in the body.

The liver, which helps in burning fat to produce energy, is one of the most important organs suffering. When liver function is inhibited, then the fat burning process will not be effective. Avoid drinking canned fruit juice, chocolate drinks, because their sugar levels are very high.

4. Exercise

Always remember, there is no choice or reason to exercise, regardless of whether you want to lose weight or just to stay fit. Below are some exercises that can diminish your belly fat:

Cardio Exercise
Keep in mind that in order to lower belly fat, calories need to be burned. Running, jogging, brisk walking, swimming, tennis, dancing, and cycling are great exercises to burn fat.

Cardiovascular exercise provides oxygen to the body, and thus helps in burning calories. Plus, aerobic exercise also provides a boost to metabolism. The ideal duration of your cardio workout should be 30 to 45 minutes, about three times a week, or more.

Exercising with the burden of inducing the abdominal muscles to work harder and thus gets tighter. Pressing chest, lat pull-downs, dumbbell rows, free weight squats, and so on, will force your abdominal muscles to work, because to perform these exercises correctly, the core muscles must be stabilized.

Sit Up Do not Overdo it
You can not lose your belly fat by doing excessive sit ups. This is because spot reduction can not be done in any part of the body. to eliminate abdominal fat is a healthy eating habit, and stimulates metabolism with weight training and cardiovascular exercise.

5. Enough Sleep

A well-known fact is. that people who sleep less than six hours each night, have a much higher chance of being overweight. This is because lack of sleep decreases leptin, and we all know there is a strong relationship between leptin levels and weight loss. Therefore, it is important to have at least six hours of deep sleep. Lack of sleep also inhibits the body's insulin production, which controls blood sugar.

In stressful situations, our bodies release adrenaline, cortisol and insulin. This allows weight gain as high cortisol levels are associated with increased appetite and fat production, and this fat usually finds its way into the abdominal area.

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