How To Beat Top Eleven 4-1-2-1-2 formation

Still faithful visit this blog with special contents tactics and formations game Top Eleven Football Manager with a full review of how the various dispensing team and overcome a game opponent. There are a lot of managers of this game that uses various tactics to make his team win every game.
How To Beat Top Eleven 4-1-2-1-2 formation

Well, now. I will share about How To Beat Top Eleven 4-1-2-1-2 formation, This Tactics   is the trend for the moment, relying on a solid middle game, most likely this formation will often win, and How do I fix this? The solution is to use this tactic:

Beats  4-1-2-1-2 Top Eleven

Try the following formation:

Orders settings

Team mentality - Hard Attacking
Focus passing - Through The Middle
pressing style - Whole Pitch
Tackling style - Hard
passing style - Long
marking style - Man on Man
Force counters - Yes
Offside trap - Yes

adjust with the formation and tactics above, to the direction arrows (ST, AML, AMR use the red arrow), (MC, DMC Neutral) and (DL, DC, DR pointed it at the blue arrow or down).

you can also use a tactic 4-4-2, 4-5-1 V style to overcome the above formation.

3 Responses to "How To Beat Top Eleven 4-1-2-1-2 formation"

  1. You can tweak that a bit. Your AMC's perfermonce will be hindered by the opponent's DMC. So you can have another ST (if you are the stronger team) in place of your AMC or get another MC (if your opponent is stronger) and outnumber him in the middle. Also, no need to widen the defenders. Get three DCs and not one DC,DR and DL. Worked for me perfectly against a stronger opponent (won 2-0 twice, 1-0 once and a 0-0 draw).

    1. hoaa.. nice brother..
      Can you give more detail. how much dc, mc st and the position of other players.
      so that I can write on this blog by stating your name. thanks
