How to Beat 3-5-2 V style formation

As we know, the formation 3-5-2v own game style by placing fifth midfielder as well as to dominate the game, relying on three defenders, five midfielders (DMC, MC, MC, AML and AMR) 2 attackers. this very good at tactics with long style.

ot only is it buddy! Formation 3-5-2v Style is also very suitable for use as an attack Hard attacking. because relying on a lot of players in front, so it's very nice to make a quick goal in a game top eleven football manager online.

formations above would look something like this:
How to Beat 3-5-2 V style formation

Beat 3-5-2 V style

Well, if you are one of the league with manager 3-5-2v formation, is very suitable to be used as a trick to overcome the above strategies. Use the following tactics:

use a 4-4-2 tactic Classic to overcome, and set in accordance with the direction of the arrow, which has been demonstrated in the picture above, then you can do change the settings as follows:

Orders Settings

Team mentality - Hard Attacking
Focus passing - Mixed
Pressing style - Whole pitch
Tackling style - Hard
Passing style - Long
Marking style - Man-on-man
Force Counters - Yes
Offside trap - Yes

Well after you set both, please play with your dummy account or using FM (Friendly Match),.

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